“Dallas Regional Medical Center is very pleased with the quality of care that Star MD Hospitalist Group has provided to the patients of our hospital. We respect their compassion, professionalism and attention to detail that has enabled our hospitalist program to perform much beyond our expectations. Since partnering with Star MD the difference in quality of care delivered to our patients is night and day. I appreciate the way the Star MD doctors and nurse practitioners communicate with our staff. They work with us every day identifying how we can improve care for our patients. Most importantly, when we need them, they are here!”
Glenda Matchett | Chief Executive Officer
“As an employee and Chief Nursing Executive of Dallas Regional Medical Center for twenty two years, I have seen many hospitalist groups operate within this facility. STAR M.D. Physician Group is by far the most dedicated and engaged group that I have had the pleasure to work with. They have truly fit into our culture of keeping quality and safety as a high priority. They also provide a very caring and compassionate experience for our patients as they treat them with courtesy and respect, and communicate in a way that can be easily understood. Most importantly, I appreciate the collaboration that occurs with the nursing, ancillary staff, and leadership team of the hospital allowing us to provide great care with optimal outcomes.”
Kelli Hohenstein RN, MSN | Administrator | Chief Nursing Executive
"Today’s healthcare environment challenges hospitals to clinically coordinate management of patient records and discharge planning that ultimately impact the patient’s experience and related financial outcome to both the patient and health system. STAR MD has been a contributing partner supportive of managing patient outcomes, while proactively seeking continuous improvement in processes strengthening the Hospitals’ ability to deliver care and better work with managed care payors to obtain the best possible outcomes. The managed care environment requires accuracy related to clinical documentation and often supportive peer to peer direct calls between STAR MD and Medical Officers engaged with managed care companies. I greatly appreciate the collaboration and team atmosphere that exists between Hospital staff and STAR MD to stay current in understanding CMS guidelines and applicable regulations. Our Hospitalist relationships are key to our success, and we are appreciative of STAR MD as professionals providing face to our culture, as seen by patients and staff."
Michael Metts, CPA, MHA | Chief Financial Officer
"As the medical director for the Dallas Regional Medical Center emergency department, my priorities are patient care and efficiency. Both of those areas depend greatly on the efforts of the hospitalist group. My interactions with Star Physicians have been very positive in working together to achieve these priorities. The members of the group are more accessible than any I have previously worked with as the doctor coordinating admissions is always available by a direct cell phone. Admissions are effectively distributed between multiple doctors to facilitate timely care for both pending discharges from the hospital and new admissions from the ED. Care for admitted patients has been started in the ED for any patients not offered a bed quickly from the ED. For patients on hold for admission in the ED, the group has been involved in taking the lead in patient care while they are waiting in the department for an admission bed. Dr. Jyothinagaram has been very positive in our leadership discussions and has played an effective part in our department meetings to assist in identifying and correcting areas of concern. I strongly recommend Star MD to anyone looking for a team player in patient care between emergency medicine and hospitalist medicine".
Dr. Patrick Zelley | ER Director